As the weather gets warmer, the grass is turning green, trees and flowers are beginning to bud and new life is springing up all around us. Within our classroom, we are in the process of hatching duck eggs. Around the 10th of May we should hear faint chirps as the newly hatched ducklings emerge from their eggs. We candled the eggs and saw the tiny embryo moving inside the egg. Now we anxiously await their arrival.
Each of us wrote and demonstrated a ‘How To’. We had students make and do a variety of things: berry smoothie, fireworks in a jar, brownies, bouncy eggs, chocolate banana snack, a paper trick, how to braid hair, how to paint a flower and ride a scooter, energy snack balls, chocolate pudding, dirt & worm snack, pizzaroni, chocolate chip bars and how to hook a rug. We enjoyed learning how to do these things and our friends did a great job!
In social studies, we learned about various Native American groups. The nomadic Sioux tribe made great use of buffalo from food, clothes, to their teepee shelters. Corn, nuts, berries, fish, and deer were the Powhatan people’s main foods. They used canoes to travel up and down the Atlantic Coastline. Many of us think living in a Long House like the
Powhatan would be fun, having our extended family with us. The Native Americans made great use of their natural resources. The Pueblo people lived in the dry desert of the
Southwest. They were farmers due to the fact that there were wild plants to gather or animals to hunt, the Pueblo lived in villages made with clay bricks.
Having studied several Native American tribes, we were fortunate to visit the state Historical Museum of Iowa. We were able to see artifacts of Native Americans and the
European settlers. We saw their clothing, weapons, tools, cooking items, toys,
instruments, hunting traps, farming tools, an authentic long house, and wagon. It was fun and interesting to compare the Native American artifacts with those of the early settlers. We were amazed how quickly things in the United States have progressed since the 1800s. Thank you God...we are truly blessed!
We also visited our state Capitol. As we toured, we saw a model of the Battleship Iowa, elaborate stencil designs, the gorgeous dome, 13 different types of hand cared marble and granite, a large mural, beautiful 23 1⁄2 karat gold leaf, the State House of Representatives, the State Senate and the very impressive State Law Library. Our state capitol is a very beautiful building! The men and women who work there work very hard for us. We are
indeed blessed!
We were blessed to be asked to sing for the April Good Agers meeting. We love sharing
what Jesus has one for us through song.