Happy Valentine’s Day! Praise God for the great love He has shown us through our
Savior, Jesus. Isn’t it wonderful to know that He loves us where ever we are and whatever
we do? Our God is gracious!
In Science, we have been exploring magnetism and electricity. Ask a 3rd or 4th grader how to make a paper clip float in midair. It’s not magic -- just science. We enjoyed using electronic lab kits to build different kinds of circuits. We also used Snap Circuit sets to build many different projects with some having exciting and entertaining results!
In Math, the 3rd grade has finished a chapter on larger subtraction problems with
regrouping and are beginning multiplication. We will be completing timed tests for each group of facts as we memorize them. 4th graders continue to work with larger multiplication problems.
We finished a research report on a favorite animal. We formed this animal out of model
magic, painted it, and made a tag board habitat background for our animal. This project was made possible by Christmas gift cards from Hobby Lobby. Thank you so much!
Did you see us sitting quietly in our classroom at the Lutheran Schools Week open
house? We made tag board figures of ourselves and placed them in our seats. We
sat happily sharing the newspapers we created with stories about ourselves.
We are working on our spring musical, The Rockin’ Tale of Snow White. If you start thinking of the traditional story of Snow White our play will definitely be different. Our dwarves are not height challenged and the DNR rep keeps everyone inline. This play has so many speaking parts all students in 2nd through 8th grade have a speaking part and some younger students have them too! Please join us on Friday, March 1, at Sacred Heart for this very entertaining musical.
In English, we have been writing stories to transform into a storybook. We loved thinking
of a story that younger children would like and loved even more illustrating that story. This is
a lengthy project but one that we really enjoyed.
We have a new helper in our classroom. Miss Lexi Larson, an ISU student, is with us Tuesday and Thursday afternoons at the end of the day. She listens to us read and
also helps us practice our basic math facts.