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5th & 6th Grade - September

Happy Fall, Y'All! Trinity 5th and 6th graders have been digging into the school year. We've adjusted to the new routine, teachers, and classmates; we're ready to tackle what God has in store for us!

Math has 5th graders learning about exponents and place values galore. 6th graders have been reviewing multiplying with decimals, writing equations and solving story problems. Can you solve this problem? "For your party you purchased balloons for $0.79 each. You spent a total of $11.85. Write an equation and estimate the number of balloons bought."

Spelling is being practiced and new apps are being tried to bring pizzaz to an often "boring, but necessary" class. Students can now create their own word searches and crossword puzzles with their spelling words and definitions.

English has us reviewing the parts of sentences and speech to help improve our writing skills. Students have shared a personal narrative, a DAR contest piece and have just been introduced to their pen pals for the school year.

Art class has students extending a hand to showcase their talent in "stain glass" style art. Hands are on display in the parish hall. Students have created safety posters for contests depicting different ways to keep us safe in our daily lives. They are eager to find out which talented artists will be chosen to move on.

Students have moved on to their second novel for the year in Reading Class. They are creating game boards to map the main characters trials and tribulations. When we finish reading we will be able to share about our individual books through our games. Stop in if you'd like to play a game and learn what they've been reading!

Social studies has fifth students learning about citizenship and our free enterprise system. Sixth graders are venturing back in time to the Middle Ages In mid-September they were even paid a visit by the late James Madison! Ask a student to share with you the important roll he played in founding of our nation's government!

"There goes a beetle! Quick get a baggie!" Maybe you have seen and heard students excitedly capturing bugs to freeze for Science?! They are learning to identify the body parts and functions of insects as well as how to look up the many insects Iowans encounter during the fall. Come check out their amazing collections!

Amazing is one word we would describe God's creation of the universe. Students have been studying the bible and learning how God is all powerful, all knowing, in control, utterly perfect and EVERYWHERE. How truly impressive that "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth" and that He loved us so much He sent his Son to die for us?!

Speaking of impressive, students have been practicing what it means to be an impressive student in Christ, in the classroom and out. If you witness an impressive Christian moment, please let one the teachers know. We would love to share how you see them spreading the love of Christ for in fifth & sixth grade we're all about the S.C.O.O.P. (Serving Christ by Offering Our Prayers and Support)!

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