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5th - 8th Grade - October 2021

Fifth through Eighth graders are writing personal narratives. After finishing up a basic review of sentence structure, the students have begun a grammar unit focused on nouns. They are reading various novels and working on comprehension using a multitude of fiction and nonfiction passages.

Many of the fifth graders have already completed all of this quarter’s Bible verses. Way to go Charlie Fitzgerald for being the first to do so this quarter!!!

They are also spending the month memorizing and thinking on the 2nd Petition of the Lord’s Prayer: Thy kingdom come. In Religion, students are reading about the beginning of man in Genesis and how we are a fallen people with hope in the Lord where faith abounds. Col 1:16: For by him all things were created, in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities—all things were created through him and for him.

“The beautiful thing about learning is that no one can take it away from you.” B.B. King

Top ten things implemented into our learning each day.

Leadership- Being a good role model for younger students

Creativity- Thinking differently about writing, science projects, art, and much more

God’s Word- Growing in our faith daily through chapel, devotions, prayer, and religion.

Forgiveness-Showing love to those who has wronged us

Cooperation- Working with others, and supporting one another.

Responsibility- Taking ownership of our actions, both good and bad.

Communication- Being able to discuss ideas and respect others’ opinions.

Compassion- Putting others needs before ourselves.

Thankfulness- Showing appreciation for all we have.

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