“Alleluia! Christ is risen! Christ is risen indeed!” The kindergarten class listened to God’s
Word about the Easter story. Jesus traveled on a colt into Jerusalem for the Passover. The
people laid down palm leaves on the road as Jesus traveled into the city. During the Last
Supper, Jesus served others and washed the feet of his disciples. On Maundy Thursday,
Jesus was betrayed by Judas and arrested. Jesus made the ultimate sacrifice and died on the cross to forgive our sins and give us eternal salvation with him in heaven. The Kindergarten class talked about the true meaning of Easter.
For phonics and reading, the kindergarten class has been learning one new sight word a day and reading their sight word books. They’ve been reviewing their letters and sounds. The big buddies read to them every Friday and they are always so excited to see them as soon as they enter our room! In math, we have been practicing telling time by the hour and the half hour. We also have been working on our money unit. They have been busy learning the value of coins. They have learned the value of pennies, nickels, dimes, quarters, and a half dollar. They also have been adding and subtracting for math.
For science, we kicked off our bug unit with a visit from the Boone Naturalist, Ms. Katie
Healy. She taught us bug songs, they wrote in a bug journal and created their own bug. They learned that insects have six legs and spiders have eight legs. They also learned about the life cycle of a butterfly. The children learned that the butterfly is a symbol of the resurrected life that Jesus gave to us by dying on the cross. We ended our bug unit with a visit to Rieman Gardens in Ames on April 5th. Everyone loved the butterfly wing where
the children walked through a tropical garden with numerous butterflies flying above
and around them. The colorful butterflies were beautiful and once they landed, it was amazing to see how beautiful they truly are with magnifying glasses.
In art, the children decorated crosses with tissue paper. They also decorated eggshaped paper with pastel colored rice and glitter. They painted their cross boxes with watercolor paint and made an Easter egg wreath.
In chorus, the children have been learning new songs and their voices are beautiful to listen to as they sing their praises about Jesus.
Our wonderful room moms had a fun filled Easter party for the children. The children were thrilled doing an Easter egg hunt by the playground. They also enjoyed the tasty snacks and craft time painting Easter eggs. I truly appreciate the wonderful parental support
from our amazing parents! Wishing you a blessed Easter filled with Jesus’ love for one another.