The preschool room has been full of sights, sounds and smells of Christmas this past month! Making presents, comparing the sounds of different sized jingle bells, writing with candy canes, sending Christmas messages and retelling the story of Christmas are just a few of our daily activities!
We were excited to be able to join the “big kids” in Trinity’s school Christmas Service. Learning Christmas songs, proclaiming God’s Word and telling everyone the good news filled us with joy.
We learned Jesus was born in a stable and his cradle was a manger! We are so amazed by His humble start and how much God loves us by sending Jesus.
We finished our month by celebrating Jesus’s birthday together When asked, “What birthday gift would you give to Jesus?” the preschoolers responded with:
“A treasure box for his money.”-Corbin
“A tablet and lots of games!”-Zoey
“A rockstar guitar.”-Alex
“A box full of magic to take care of bad guys.”-Audrey
“A cool rock. I love rocks.”-Ava
“A picture of me and Him.”-Mara
“A cross.”-Jobie
“A phone to call me.”-Vera (little)
“A shirt”-Joey
“Red presents”-Tesla
“Rainbow bracelets”-Beckett
“A tractor”-Mila
“A Barbie Doll!”-Vicky
“God loves me and I love God!”-Morgan
“Toy Car”-Wyatt
“A pencil for notes.”-Colt
“A dragon and a frog tattoo like mine.”-Link
Jesus is the greatest gift of all; we love because He first loved us!
Have a Merry CHRISTmas & a Blessed New Year!
