School days in February have been a little “hit & miss” with the late starts, no morning classes and cancellations due to weather conditions. We did manage to get our Valentine’s parties in to the children’s delight! Spring weather is coming soon!
Conferences for the 3-year-old class were held on February 18th and 20th. It is so good to talk with parents one-on-one about their little cherubs. Each child has grown so much and are ready for the “big 4-year-old” preschool. I pray that many children stay at Trinity to assist parents in their child’s Christian upbringing.
Kindergarten Round-up was held on February 18th. Many children attended this special "peek” at Kindergarten staying for the whole day! Preschool registration was held on January 20th. We anticipate even more signups throughout the weeks of spring and summer.
Danelle Williams, Annie’s mom, will come to speak to the MWF class and the M-F class about dental hygiene on the 24th. She brings items to see including a huge set of teeth and toothbrush to demonstrate the proper way to brush and floss. Thank you to Danelle and Dentistry at Somerset in Ames for the dental kits.
The Bible lessons for the month of February have included: Jesus blessing the children, Jesus visiting Mary and Martha, Jesus forgiving Zacchaeus, and Jesus healing the men with leprosy. The children learned how Jesus told the disciples not to stop the little children from coming to Him, for of such is the kingdom of God. Children are important to Jesus. He died for their sins too, and they need to hear His Word.
One of the stained glass windows in the church shows Jesus blessing children. Another window shows Mary and Martha with Jesus. We went up to look at these again. Martha was busy with daily tasks, as we are also, but Mary was at Jesus feet listening to her Lord. Mary chose the most important thing, as Jesus said. Against what people thought, Jesus went to the house of the dishonest tax collector, Zacchaeus, taught him of His mercy and forgave him. “For the Son of Man came to seek and to save the lost.” (Luke 19:10) Jesus showed His majesty through His miracles. He healed ten lepers, caring about their salvation even more. They had asked Jesus for mercy, and He gave it to them, and to us.