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Our curriculum is designed to foster excellence in independent study and learning. The Christian dimension of Lutheran schools permeates all subjects and activities. Religion is not limited to one hour or one class. Teachers seek opportunities to witness in every class and to relate God’s Word to all aspects of life. Through this process, and by the power of the Holy Spirit, students grow in faith and in a sanctified life, and view all of life as a time to worship God.

Language Arts

An overarching language arts goal should be for students to: 1) identify language as a gift of God; 2) recognize effective communication as necessary to live in and contribute to a complex society; 3) develop speaking, reading, writing, listening, and thinking skills to the best of their ability; and 4) shape all phases of their communication to the service and glory of God.


Everyone needs some knowledge of mathematics to function well in today’s society. As the indispensable language of technology, business, and finance, mathematics provides essential problem-solving skills that can be applied to a wide range of scientific disciplines and everyday situations. Every citizen needs mathematical competance to succeed and contribute to society. Perhaps more true now than at any time in the past, a knowledge and appreciation of mathematics is critical to intellectual development.


Students must be equipped to use technology to collect, organize process and present information. As technology becomes more transparent and ubiquitous in daily existence, students will need to apply technology skills in all facets of their lives. To that end, students and teachers will integrate technology in all aspects of the curriculum, using it to enhance instruction and application of learned skills.


The study of science promotes the acquisition of skills to extend learning about our universe, our lives, and our God. In the teaching of science we are continually challenged by a changing universe as additional information about natural phenomena is uncovered. Through science education students should experience wonder, joy and excitement in God’s creation stimulating curiosity and adventure.

History/Social Studies

The study of social studies provides us with many opportunities to lead children to discover God’s plan for relationships in His world including relationships with other people as well as their relationship with the environment. Social studies includes geography, history, anthropology, sociology, economics and political science. Through each of these disciplines the Christian teacher is able to present the Law and the Gospel as they teach Christian values for the students to use in making decisions and life choices.


STEM is a curriculum based on the idea of educating students in four specific disciplines — science, technology, engineering and mathematics — in an interdisciplinary and applied approach. STEM integrates these into a cohesive learning paradigm based on real-world applications. 

Foreign Language

Bienvenidos! Welcome! Spanish is a fun and easy language that has become increasingly spoken around the world. Spanish classes include a variety of units which emphasize vocabulary, grammar, and spoken conversation. 

Physical Education

Physical education provides cognitive content and instruction designed to develop motor skills, knowledge, and behaviors for physical activity and physical fitness.


Got Art? We do! Our Art Program offers students an opportunity to creatively express themselves through various mediums and styles of art.

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Trinity Lutheran School.

Tel: 515-432-6912


712 12th Street

Boone, IA 50036

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