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3rd & 4th Grade - March

Updated: Apr 30, 2019

Praise God for spring and all the wonderful things it brings. We have enjoyed the few days of warmer weather and look forward to the days ahead. During the season of Lent we remember the suffering and death of our Savior but now look forward to the celebration of His resurrection. We praise Him for the salvation His grace has given us.

We have been enjoying learning about the different families of instruments in the orchestra.  As we studied them we also went on a field trip to ISU to experience their symphony orchestra. They performed several arrangements and we were asked to do some careful listening. Before we left we also experienced some of the instruments up close in a “Petting Zoo”. Very cool!  We thank Laynie’s Grandma and Mrs. Anderson for driving and/or chaperoning this field trip.

Both 3rd and 4th graders have learned and reviewed the basic multiplication facts. 4th graders have, of course, gone on to much larger multiplication problems. Now our whole class has moved onto division. Division is so much easier when you know your multiplication facts. The 4th graders are enjoying the challenge of long division.

We are beginning to make watercolor kites. We painted a plaid design on paper and cut our kite shape. After making slits in this shape we did some paper weaving to make the colors of our kite even more interesting! Please check these projects out on our hall bulletin board.  We are happy to be thinking more about spring!

Praise God for the gift of good health. After missing one student for the spring musical, our class became very health challenged. Influenza A, stomach flu, and other cold viruses became the norm. One day we had five students missing. We’ve reviewed our “cover the cough - carefully wash the hands” rules. We prayed daily that all of our class would get healthy. God answers prayers! He certainly took care of us and of our families.

We look forward to resurrecting our recorders. They had been put on hold since we started rehearsing for the Christmas Worship Service and then also during the spring musical rehearsals. We look forward to reviewing note reading, playing music, and sharing what we know with Tyler, our new 4th grader.  

We have enjoyed our time with Miss Larson, our ISU student. She spends 30 minutes with us most Tuesday and Thursday afternoons. One of those days she listens to us read and the other day we work on reviewing basic multiplication, addition, and subtraction facts by using flash cards or playing a game. Accuracy and speed are our goals.

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