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1st & 2nd Grade - April 2021

As the weather gets warmer, the grass is turning green, trees and flowers are beginning to bud and new life is springing up all around us. Within our classroom, we are in the process of hatching eggs. In the beginning of May we should hear faint chirps as the newly hatched chicks emerge from their eggs. We anxiously await their arrival as we learn about their development inside the egg.

Our 2nd Graders each wrote and demonstrated a “How To”. We had two students make us delicious drinks, one taught us how to make a fishing pole, another how to

draw an animal, how to change batteries in a tow, and how to make a yummy cinnamon roll-up. We enjoyed learning how to do these new things and our friends did a great job!

“And God said, “Let there be lights in the expanse of the heavens to separate the day from the night! And let them be for signs and seasons and for days and years, and let them be lights in the expanse of the heavens to give light upon the earth.” Genesis 1:14-15. We know that God created the heavens and the earth. We explored how the sun is the center of our solar system, reminding us that the “Son” Jesus Christ is the center of our life and salvation. We learned how the earth’s rotating on its axis causes day and night. We took a closer look at the features of the moon and the phases of the moon. We used Oreo cookies to recreate how the light from the sun shines on the moon. That experiment was both fun and tasty!

We have been studying several Native American tribes: how they lived, what they ate, and what types of homes they lived in. We were fortunate to visit the State Historical Museum of Iowa. We were able to see artifacts of Native Americans and the European settlers. We saw their clothing, weapons, tools, cooking items, toys, instruments, hunting traps, farming tools, an authentic long house, and wagon. It was fun and interesting to see and compare the Native American things with the early settlers’ things. We were amazed how quickly things in the United States have progressed since the 1800’s. Thank you God….we are truly blessed.

We also visited the State Capitol. As we toured, we saw a model of the Battleship Iowa, dolls depicting Iowa’s First Ladies’ inaugural gowns, elaborate stencil designs, the gorgeous dome, hand carved marble and granite, a large mural, beautiful 23 ½ karat gold leaf, the state House of Representatives, the State Senate, and the beautiful Iowa State Law Library. Our state capitol is a very beautiful building. The men and women who work there work very hard for us.

We invited our Kindergarteners friends to come two at a time to spend a day with us in 1st and 2nd Grade. We really enjoyed getting to know them better and showing them what our day is like. We are anxious for them to join us as full-time 1st Graders this fall!

Thank you to our wonderful room moms Jaimie Westrum and Denielle Girard for our fantastic Easter party. We really appreciate all of your work preparing and helping us celebrate!

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