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1st & 2nd Grade - December

Our study of God’s Word this past month has centered on the real story of the first Christmas and the love of God behind it. Our Heavenly Father sent us a Savior who did not sherk from being poor and unrecognized. Christ wasn’t even born in a house. We often forget this and tend to be too romantic about the manger in the stable. Mary and Joseph had a hard time of it! The shepherds who welcomed the Christ child were the nobodies of society in that day. Our God chooses hard and strange ways to win back His children. This is why Jesus came. He saves us from the power of sin and brings God’s life back to us. This is the Good News, and really the only reason we celebrate Christmas. Without it we would have only empty trimmings.

I wanted to help my students see the heart of Christmas is Christ and make Christmas come alive for them by centering in the birth of Christ – our salvation!

We have been learning about adjectives and how to use them to add more detail in our writing. We worked on diagramming the noun described by adjectives. Playing games to describe how things taste, smell, and feel were all fun ways to use a wide variety of adjectives.

We are hopeful we will soon have piles of snow to play in. Since that hasn’t really happened yet, we have been building and drawing snowmen in art class while incorporating things we’ve learned in both math and science (spheres and shadows).

The first graders have caught on quickly to fractions, while second graders are working hard at counting money and using the fewest coins as well as the most possible ways to show certain amounts. We continue to drill and practice.

In science we worked together in teams building floor mazes. We then tested our creations using a straw to channel our breath to push a ping pong ball through our mazes. We tweaked our designs when necessary. Then we tried each team maze and evaluated the process.

Our room mothers Ashlie Hilsabeck and Sheralyn Page planned a wonderful birthday party to celebrate Jesus’ birth. We had such an awesome time trying to break the piñatas that

were filled with candy and toys and frosting cupcakes was both fun and delicious. Thank you to all those who helped provide for and plan a great party.

Music is such a powerful way to communicate. Our choir was blessed with the opportunity to share God’s wonderful plan of salvation through Jesus Christ in a number of ways this past month. We gave a concert at the Festival of Hope on December 1st. The entire school shared with family and friends their faith at the school Christmas Worship Service on December 14th.

Our class spent an amazing morning right before Christmas break going out into our community sharing the message of Jesus Christ our Savior. We were warmly greeted everywhere we went and it was evident that the Gospel message touched the hearts of the people hearing our message.

The pure joy of Jesus coming out of the voices of our students is such a blessing and gift in praise to our Blessed Lord and Savior! Thanks be to God who gives us the Victory!!

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