Biblical people lived lives exposed to the mercy of the elements. The wind and waters were mysterious and at times frightening. We all feel afraid at times. Jesus is more powerful than a storm or any other type of problem. Just as Jesus calmed the storm. He can calm our worries and fears and help us handle the problems that trouble us. Jesus is more powerful than any type of problem. He carried our greatest fear – fear of death – to the cross and won our victory of us. Psalm 56:3, “When I am afraid, I will trust in You.”
We have been working on brushing up on the use of capitalization in book titles, days of the week, months of the year, proper nouns, cities, states, countries, and holidays as well as the use of commas in dates and to separate cities and states. We continue to use these skills in our writing.
The 2nd Graders had fun creating origami bats and then coming up with bat stories that we shared with the class.
We celebrated our 100th day of school by bringing in collections of 100 items grouped in 10’s. We had a great time celebration the number 100 in a wide variety of fun activities. We thank God for each and every day we have together here in 1st and 2nd Grade as we continue to learn and grow together.
A special thank you to our room mothers Mrs. Kohnke, Mrs. Page, and Ms. Taylor for the fun Valentine’s Day party. “We love because God first loved us.” 1 John 4:19. Celebrating God’s love and the love we have for one another is always special.