National Lutheran Schools Week (the end of January) was an occasion for joyful
recognition and celebration.
At Trinity, we worship, teach, and share the Real. Present. God. The Real. Present. God. influences and empowers every day and week in 1st and 2nd grade. The Real. Present. God. shares His presence with us in person and in the atoning work of Jesus, who is our very foundation. Here at Trinity we educate for eternity.
We are extremely grateful to our congregation and the parents of our students for the opportunity we have in sharing God’s grace and mercy as we provide for the spiritual
and educational preparation of the next generation of faithful Christian servants.
In 1st and 2nd grade we looked at Luke 2:41-52. We saw that Jesus was a real boy
who grew up just like us. Although Jesus is truly human, He is also true God, as we see in
His response to Mary in the Temple. Jesus wasn’t lost, He was in His Father’s house. He
willingly returned to Nazareth, and Luke writes that Jesus grew up physically and spiritually in the eyes of God and men. Jesus’ ultimate act of obedience took Him to the cross where He died to win us forgiveness for all sin.
Our study of motion had us creating team mazes to move a ping pong ball by using air to push the ball from start to finish. We also made marble mazes to experiment with the
push and pull movement to move a marble. These ways of experimentation, inquiry, and trial and error helped us to better understand movement. We were challenged to identify simple machines using various classroom and household items. It has been amazing to see what a big part simple machines play in our everyday life.
Adjectives give more depth and clarity to our writing. We had a great time using adjectives to describe the size, taste, smell, color, and feel of things around us.
1st grade math had us working with the adding and subtracting of doubles. 2nd grade has been working with the value of coins, using the fewest coins possible, and counting back
change as we pretended to buy various items. We also spent time understanding and reading the time on a clock by hour, half hour, and quarter hour increments. Through our study we can see the real life applications of math in our lives.
We have thoroughly enjoyed reading some non-fiction stories about ants, bats, and
red eyed tree frogs. Another fun story was Officer Buckle and Gloria. This was a very funny story which used humor to teach us about safety rules.
Each of us wrote book reports sharing setting, main character, problem solution, and a summary of the book we were assigned. We made our book reports into a fun display in
which we added a drawing. We then shared our reports with our classmates as well as
displaying them for our school open house.
We enjoy reading, especially when we get to partner with a classroom buddy or one of
the 5-8th graders. Books are so much fun! Please feel free to come by our classroom and view the many projects we have on display. We always enjoy sharing what we have been up to with others.
God’s presence is actively present in our school. Prayer opportunities abound throughout the day whether it’s to pray for our families, pets, friends, for sport activities, for a sore we have, a problem we have with someone, before a special events, prior to a field trip, at the start of the day, before a meal, or at the close of the day. We know we have a Real. Present. God!
