The end of January brought us to celebrate with all Lutheran Schools throughout the nation…National Lutheran Schools Week. God loves us and sent His Son, Jesus, to be our Savior. Matt. 20:28 “The Son of man came not to be served but to serve, and give his life as a ransom for many.” Jesus came to serve us with His sacrificial death. Jesus gave us life eternal. It is by Grace alone that we are saved. Christ’s love compels us to live for theirs.
At Trinity we encourage our students to rejoice in the Good News of God’s love and forgiveness in Jesus Christ. We instruct our students to equip them as they are sent to serve those at home, in our schools, those in our families, neighborhoods, communities, and the world.
We are extremely grateful to our congregation and the parents for the opportunity we have in sharing God’s grace and mercy as we provide for the spiritual and educational preparation of the next generation of faithful Christian servants.
Our study of motion had us creating team mazes to move a ping pong ball using air to push the ball from start to finish. We also made marble mazes to experiment with the push and pull movement to move a marble through the maze. 1st Grade math had us working with the adding and subtracting of doubles. 2nd Grade has been working with the value of coins, using the fewest coins possible, and counting back change as we pretended to buy various items. We also spent time understanding and reading the time on a clock by hour, half hour, quarter hour, and five-minute increments. Through our study we can see the real-life applications of math in our lives.
We thoroughly enjoyed reading some non-fiction stories about ants, bats, and red eyed tree frogs. Another fun story was Officer Buckle and Gloria. This was a very funny story which used humor to teach us about safety rules.
Each of us wrote book reports sharing setting, main characters, problem, solution, and summary of the book we were assigned. We made our book reports into a fun display in which we added a drawing. We then shared our book reports with our classmates as well as displaying them for our school Open House.
God’s presence is actively present in our school. Prayer opportunities abound throughout the day, whether it’s to pray for our family, pets, friends, Operation Christmas, sores, problems and behavior choices. We know God sends us to serve others and prayer is a way we can serve others.