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1st & 2nd Grade - March 2021

We have a strong phonemic base to our curriculum. We continue to work on our vowel pairs, vowel diphthongs, vowel diagraphs, prefixes and suffixes. All of which help to give us strong decoding skills.

The 1st Graders read a book on Johnny Appleseed. We found it interesting and fun to read. We learned about John Chapman’s many adventures as he traveled west to plant apple trees.

The 2nd Graders have been working using inference in their reading. In our reading of Carousel, we used story clues and life experiences to make inferences.

In Math, First Graders worked with counting pennies, nickels, and dimes also trading in coins to use the fewest coins. Second Graders continue to brush up on their addition and subtraction of two-digit numbers with regrouping and non-regrouping.

We had so much fun learning about the water cycle. We have a favorite song about the water cycle that we loved jamming to as we acted out the parts of the water cycle.

The water cycle takes the water and moves it up and down and all around the earth. The ground water evaporates into water vapor which condenses to form a cloud. Then precipitation such as snow, hail, sleet, and snow falls to the ground. Singing and dancing definitely helped to reinforce our learning of the water cycle.

Thus, April showers bring May flowers! We have been excited to have the sunshine and warmer weather. In art, we created tulips with pastel craypas and water colors, as well as tissue paper flowers. We welcome a touch of spring inside and out!

In culmination to a week of fun dress up days and books read honoring Dr. Suess we watched The Lorax. We were reminded we are indeed blessed by the wonderful world God created for us. May we always be good stewards of our natural recourses gifted to us by God!

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