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1st & 2nd Grade - March 2022

We have been healed of a sickness that kept us in darkness, the sickness of our sin. In fact, Jesus loves us so much that He died on the cross for us. Still that wasn’t the end. Like Lazarus Jesus rose from the dead. Lazarus rose only to life on earth. Jesus rose to give us life with Him in heaven. We too, cry out to Jesus to “have mercy on us.” There are times throughout our lives when we may need physical healing. Daily, we need spiritual healing because of the sickness of sin. On our own, we cannot clean sins from our hearts. But Jesus can and does! He heals us of all sins, renews us and restores us so we live for Him and follow Him. Jesus does all this, not because we deserve it or merit it, but because he loves us! That’s His amazing grace and mercy!

Both grades have been working hard on regrouping of ones, tens, and hundreds. We love using base ten blocks to help us visualize the process of regrouping.

In Phonics, first graders are learning blends and using consonant clusters. Trucks slide crazily across the slippery street. The second graders are learning to understand and classify synonyms and antonyms. Cold cats use hot paws to open and close doors to hallways and corridors.

In Social Studies we learned about various Native American groups. The nomadic Sioux tribe made great use of buffalo from food to their teepee shelters. Corn, nuts, berries, fish and deer were the Powhatan people’s main foods. They used canoes to travel up and down the Atlantic coastline. Many of us think living in a longhouse like the Powhatan would be much fun having our whole extended family with us. The Native Americans made great use of the natural resources that God provided for them.

In Science we took the study of natural resources even further and enjoyed a unit on conservation. God has filled the earth with so many resources and has given us the ability to use these resources to make our lives easier and more enjoyable.

We are overjoyed to welcome both Wyatt Scott and Micah Hay to our Trinity 1st and 2nd Grade family. This month we will also be welcoming Elijah Preus to our class as well. We thank God for these boys as our Trinity family continues to grow!

With April showers brings warmer spring temperatures, as well as new life and growth of plants and animals. In art, we created tulips with pastel crayons and used crayons to design our own uniquely patterned symmetrical butterflies. We welcome a touch of spring inside and out.

1st Grade Acrostic Poems

W is for a warm blanket

A is for apple pie

R is for red

M is for mom’s hugs

~By Reid

S is for sunny

U is for umbrella

N is for nice

N is for not cloudy

Y is for yellow

~By Gabby

E is for eggs

A is for awaken from the dead

S is for Son of God

T is for tomb

E is for egg hunt

R is for Resurrection

~By Jonathan

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