One of the Bible stories we studied this past month was Moses and the bronze serpent. This true story has a very clear New Testament message. The children of Israel were delivered from slavery and were provided with Manna to sustain them on their journey through the wilderness to the Promised Land. When evil struck in the form of poisonous snakes, God’s representative Moses offered a cure. Like them, we were delivered from slavery of our sin and were provided withal we need on our journey through this life to heaven. Our God provides us with the brad of life – Jesus Christ and His Sacraments – to sustain our faith until we join Him in heaven. When we are bitten by sin, God sends us pastors, parents, teachers, and other Christians to remind us to look to the cross of Christ and His
We have been continuing the use of nouns, pronouns, and proper nouns in our study of the English language. We found it fun exploring the use of action verbs as we acted them out for the others to guess. We used a really fun and active song to learn action verbs.
We are presently learning the rules for the use of state of being verbs. We also see how using more exact nouns and verbs add more variety and interest into our writing. The second graders worked very hard in creating a class story The Runaway Tiger. We wrote and revised our story. Then we each got to illustrate two pages of our story. We were extremely proud of how our story turned out. We each got a copy to take home and share
with our family and friends.
We are becoming more fluent in our reading and decoding skills as we continually master our vowel sounds, consonant blends, consonant digraphs and vocabulary words.
We learned the 5 parts of a letter (heading, greeting, body, closing, and signature) and have been writing letters to our friends.
Our K-4 Choir was honored to sing at the Trees and Treasures Festival at the Boone County Hospital on Saturday, November 16. We are so grateful to Mrs. Holbrook, who has for years accompanied our choir. She is such a blessing to us! It is a true joy to share the message of our Savior, Jesus Christ with those in our Boone community.
Our K-4 choir will also have the opportunity to sing on December 7th at 12:00 at the Boone High School commons for the “Festival of Hope.” We were also asked to be a part of the Habitat for Humanity Nativity Festival at the First United Methodist Church on December 8th beginning at 3:00 pm, with the choir concert at 4:00 pm. We would love for you to join us for these special concerts.
Advent Joy – Prepare Ye, Prepare Ye to celebrate the Savior’s birth!
