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1st Grade - November 2024

What another amazing month at school! We have been learning and exploring so much. 

For reading, we have been reading about different types of animals and the way that God gave those animals special features so they can survive in the wild. We have started reading fables like The Ants and The Grasshopper and The Hare and the Tortoise. Fables have lessons and we learned from The Ants and the Grasshopper that there is a time to play and a time to work. In The Hare and the Tortoise, we learned that being the fastest is not always the best but we should be steady and always try our best!

For math we finished adding numbers up to 20. Now we are subtracting numbers from 20. We have learned lots of different ways to subtract such as using 10 frames, number lines, drawing pictures, and adding to subtract. We have also learned about fact families and how we can switch the parts around to get a different problem but we always use the same three numbers. 

For science we started learning about how we can group different objects. We can group things by color, size, shape, etc. We did an experiment where we took a penny, a paper clip, a sponge, a leaf, a pencil, and an empty water bottle to sort them by what floats and what sinks. First we made our prediction and then we did the experiment and wrote what actually happened.


In social studies, we just finished up learning about the continents. We learned that there are 7 continents and we have made our own globe to place in continents where they go. Now we are starting to learn about the different types of jobs there are and how every job is important. 

We are so thankful for all the things we are able to do at school! We are thankful for all the teachers, our parents, our friends, and most of all for God. We are so thankful that we get to learn about God each and every day!

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