We have worked with thousands, hundreds, tens and ones place value in math. At first, we thought regrouping using hundreds and thousands was hard. The more we practiced the more we realized it was just like regrouping ones and tens. We also used money and telling time to solve story problems.
We read a story called Jalapeno Bagels in which a boy and his family are getting ready for an important event at school. They boy’s family owns a bakery, and the boy has to decide which bakery items from his Mexican culture to share with his class. It could be empanadas de calaboza (pumpkin turnover), chango bars (chocolate chip bars) or jalapeno bagels. Our classmate, Iris, and her mom made the recipe for chango bars and brought them to school to share with us. We loved them!
We created African masks using symmetry of repeat designs in art. We were beyond impressed by the Zu Zu African Acrobats we watched perform at CY Stephens. After the performance we went to the ISU Workspace where we created geometric designs on a canvas with tape and painted the remaining spaces on the canvas. Once we paint dried, we were amazed with the results. We had a lesson on Piet Mondrian who was a French artist known for his use of geometric lines and bold colors. Special thanks to Mrs. Westrum for her help with the art lesson. Also thanks to Mrs. Sivesind, Mrs. Kohnke, Mrs. Stahr, Mrs. Huedepohl, and Mrs. Hall, who were our drivers and chaperones.
In science we enjoyed our study of natural resources. God has filled the earth with so many resources and has given us the ability to use these resources to make our lives easier and more enjoyable. We enjoyed watching The Lorax. It served as a great reminder to not take God’s natural resource gifts for granted.
We are looking forward to the warmer temperatures of spring and spending more time outside enjoying the beautiful world God has created for us!