Second grade has had a fun month!
We went on our first official field trip to Living History Farms, where we learned about life on the farm, from historic buildings to old-fashioned tools and techniques. It was a great day of exploring Iowa’s agricultural history and understanding the hard work of past generations. This included learning about real Iowa families that had immigrated to the United States and made their homes in Iowa. We are grateful for our wonderful parent chaperones/drivers who help make these field trips possible.
We also had our second Forest Friday, where the second graders joined up with Mrs. Van Dyke’s kindergarten class and spent the day at Ledges State Park for some outdoor learning. The students enjoyed exploring God’s beautiful fall scenery at the Oak Woods area in the upper Ledges. They had the park ranger and a Friend of the Ledges representative come to educate them on being a good forest visitor and what’s happening in nature during the fall.
As a follow-up assignment from the Friend of the Ledges representative, students went on a walk to collect a variety of fall leaves. Students then selected their favorite leaf, drew a picture of it, and colored it to bring back to the Ledges with us next month.
In Literacy, students have been learning about how change impacts people and animals through interactive readings of texts about the changes that happen in the fall. They have been identifying the main idea of texts and supporting details to help them write their own informative paragraph summaries.
In Math, we continue to work on our addition and subtraction math fact fluency all year long through math fact games and activities. We completed our second math unit on odd/even numbers and using arrays to find the total of a group of things. Last week, we started our next major unit on addition and subtraction within 100 and will continue learning various strategies for solving problems.
