Welcome to Redemption Ranch! Here we learn how we have redemption through Jesus Christ, our Savior. We learn how Jesus saved us from our sin and cleared the debt of sin with His death. “By grace we have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing it is the gift of God.” Eph. 2:8 It is by GRACE (God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense) that we have full redemption! Thanks be to God!
We have had a wonderful start to our school year. Since we were together last year, it was an easy transition into the start of a new year in second grade. Our second-grade families enjoyed a class family picnic and time for fellowship at the High Bridge Horse Farm. We loved watching a vaulting demonstration and being able to pet and learn about the care of horses.
It seems crazy to think we have been in school for over five weeks. We are able to determine if a number is odd or even and create equations using an array of rows and columns. We enjoy using math to solve everyday equations. Example: If 4 students brought their own lunch, and one student is sick, how many students in 2nd grade are having school lunch?
We began with a unit on plants in science. We incorporated our science and art in making parts of a plant and labeling each. We toured the Iowa State Science Seed Center where
Emily Stahr’s grandpa works. It was so interesting to see the process of seed growth. We saw so many interesting and fascinating things it's impossible to explain them in this short writing. Ask one of our 2nd grade botanists. While on campus, we had the wonderful opportunity to view the original artwork of American realist painter Grant Wood.
After a quick lunch at McHose Park, we ended our day with Boone County naturalist Kyle Neyendorf. He showed us various types of leaves as he talked about the trees of McHose Park. We went on a scavenger hunt and played a game of simulating an ecosystem on the deer population. The lack or abundance of food, water, and shelter determined the growth or death of the deer population. As you can see, we are busy wrangling up many learning opportunities at Redemption Ranch!
