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2nd Grade - September 2023

Greetings from Discovery Farms, where we are growing together in God’s grace! Our classroom Bible verse is Ephesians 2:8-9: “For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not by works, so that no one may boast.”

We started our year with a 2nd-grade family picnic at McHose Park. It was a wonderful opportunity to get to know each other better.

To connect with our science studies, we planted seeds, made and labeled plant parts, and visited the ISU Seed Science Lab and McHose Park to study trees. We created our own town Tree Leaf Booklets by identifying and labeling 15 different types of tree leaves.

Our next unit focused on animal life. The students chose an animal to research and shared their findings with the class. We also took a trip to the Blank Park Zoo to see those animals up close and learn about others.

We’ve had some fantastic farm visits, including a cattle farm, the ISU Dairy Farm, the ISU Poultry Farm, and a cash crop/hog farm. We learned a wide variety of interesting information and met some amazing animals. A visit to Living History Farms gave us a unique look at what life was like from the 1700s to the 1900s.

In Language Arts, we’ve learned about nouns, verbs, proper nouns, pronouns, complete sentences, commands, questions, and exclamatory sentences. We enjoy writing and sharing our stories with others. We also studied poetry and wrote our own fall-themed poems. Here are some examples:

The Warm Fall

By Sloan

When I think of fall,

the scarecrow stands tall.

In the fall, I like it warm,

but not when there is a storm.

The leaves are red,

so at Thanksgiving, we are fed.


By Kanynn

Carving pumpkins is something we always do.

Last year I hated the seeds and goo.

I like to carve them with the weird-shaped tool.

I want to make my own design that’s cool.

We picked out our pumpkins, and I have three.

I have a good idea of what they will be.

The Orchard

By Addi

Fall is not my favorite season,

but I like going to the orchard.

I like the corn pit the best.

The big slide is better than the rest.

I got my face painted.

Last time, it was a unicorn.

I wore it for a long time.

We play a lot and have fun!

Being at the orchard makes fall more fun.

Pumpkin Patch

By Zane

In the fall, we go to the pumpkin patch,

I try not to fall there so I don’t get a scratch.

We feed the goats,

but we have to make sure they don’t eat our coats.

We go into the corn house,

we might find a mouse.

We love being creative and creating our own masterpieces in art!

In Social Studies, we’ve been studying continents, countries, states, urban, suburban, and rural areas, as well as various landforms and map reading.

In Math, we’ve practiced using various strategies (hundreds chart, open number line, break apart, compensation, and regrouping) to add two-digit numbers. Some of our challenging equations require multiple steps to solve. Story problems help us see how math is practical in everyday life.

Here at Trinity, we are blessed to share the love of Jesus by serving others, praying for each other, and building one another up in the body of Christ.

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