This month in 3rd and 4th grade we have finally finished our Christmas program, which the kids worked so hard on! We are still working on our first book for book club. One group has finished their book and will start a project after Christmas break. So far, book clubs are going well. Most of the students enjoy the book they are reading and are sad that I don't let them read ahead because they just want to know what happens! We have had several students get a BINGO on their reading BINGO sheet and most of them have even surpassed the expectation and have started working on another BINGO. Leo has already gotten two blackouts and is working on his third BINGO sheet! I'm so proud of my readers.
In English, we have finished verbs and will start adjectives after the break. We love playing Mad Libs for English and making funny stories using our knowledge of the English language and parts of speech. I even had the students create their own Christmas-themed Mad Libs, which were great!
In Science, we are learning about weather patterns and air pressure. We love looking at satellite images of the Earth and its wind patterns. We are really excited to learn more about God's creation and how he made everything work, especially space!
In Social Studies, we just finished the chapter about our government and the way it works. We are completing escape rooms on the 3 branches of government and the Bill of Rights. After that, we will dive into our Social Studies research projects based on the different regions of the United States.
We started coding with Mr. Z from the library and are looking forward to continuing to learn from him.
In Religion, we have finished our Christmas story in preparation for our Christmas program. We are using a program called Pixton to retell the story of Jesus' birth. It allows the students to tell a story using comics.
We are looking forward to our upcoming breaks with family and friends.