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3rd & 4th Grade - May

Summer vacation! We can’t wait! This means time for extra ball games, swimming, camping, sleeping in, and reading some good books. We praise God for this chance to relax.

The last days of school went by very quickly. Besides finishing off our regular work we enjoyed an outdoor education day that was moved from Don Williams to the Boone County

Fairgrounds because of rainy weather. We had sessions on composting, soil conservation,

migration, weather, biological traits, and organism adaptations. We learned so much! We enjoyed all of the sessions but the biological traits, which had live animals, and the migration, which allowed us to play an active game, were a couple of our favorites

sessions. We thank Laynie’s grandma, Mrs. Hastie, for driving and chaperoning this trip.

Our class listened to an audiobook of Anne of Green Gables and then went to CY Stephens to see the musical. We liked the play and were amazed at the abilities of some actors to perform more than one character. Traveling groups that come to ISU often double up on parts. We again thank Mrs. Hastie for driving and chaperoning.

We finished off the illustrations for the storybooks we wrote earlier this year. Those books are displayed in the hallway outside our classroom. Please come and enjoy!

We wrote pourquoi tales and fairy tales after we read examples of them in our reading books. We added a drawing to each one of the stories. These very creative works are also

displayed in the hallway.

Our moms are such a blessing to us! Praise God! We enjoyed making them a card and also watercolor and tissue paper bouquets for Mother’s Day.

Our final field trip of the year was a ride on the Boone and Scenic Valley Railroad. We thank the railroad for this special invitation. We had our own private car. It was a doubledecker

that was climate controlled. Even though the day was rainy, warm, and humid, we rode in comfort while enjoying the beautiful scenery and listening to some great information over

their speaker system. We thank Mr. Anderson and Mrs. Hastie for driving and chaperoning.

I am retiring at the end of this school year. Serving my Lord and Savior, sharing His

gospel message, and teaching God’s special children in all subject areas has truly been a

blessing and a privilege. I wish to thank everyone for the cooperation, understanding, and support that I have received over my years at Trinity. My prayers for God’s blessings and

His peace for our church and school will always continue.

- Mrs. Moeller

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