March was a busy month for 3rd grade! With the end of the quarter right before spring break, we had a lot of projects due right before our week-long break!
In language arts we had been working on our final presentations for our book club books. We had to make a google slide that included the major settings of our story and also a description of the most important event in our book. We also got to pick two other things to include in our slideshow, which included things like: write a letter to a character, write a summary of a sequel for your book, and describe a character in 3 ways, etc. Our class LOVES making google slides.
We are also currently learning about pronouns in English and just learned about object, subject, and possessive pronouns.
Our writing has also been progressing very well and if you want to check out our latest stories, you can find them on the wall by the 3rd grade bulletin board across from Miss S's office.
In math we are finishing up our multiplication and division unit and are going to be starting geometry in the next week. We are starting with 2D and 3D shapes. It will be nice to start learning about a new kind of math.
In Social Studies, we finally rounded out our Black History Month from February with a project on one person that we learned about from the 28 days book. We learned a bit more about them from books on Epic as well as from google. We are also drawing a portrait of them in art and will combine that with a caption about their life, which we typed on google docs. We are really excited to start our next project, which is learning about a European country and teaching the class about what we learned. We will also be bringing a dish from our country to share with our class on the day we present.
In Science we finished up the physical science unit and are now learning about the Earth. Our first chapter is about different landforms and how they shape and change what the earth looks like. We especially loved learning about volcanoes on the first day.
In religion we are learning more about lent and specifically about why it is important to confess our sins when we have committed them. We talked about confession and absolution and a lot of the class pointed out that part of the service at our most recent chapel service. It was cool to see what we are learning show up in real life.