Spring is the time in the school year when a child’s growth becomes more observable. Teachers notice students have not only grown physically since fall, but continue to excel in academic growth. Parents may now observe their child performing math calculations more quickly, reading more fluently, and acting more responsibly. Growth in our students is expected, nurtured and celebrated.
Trinity Lutheran School is not solely interested in a child’s physical growth and academic growth, we are also focused on emotional and social growth as well as each child’s spiritual development.
“Real growth comes in our daily walk with Jesus. It doesn’t happen physically, or mentally, or socially or even financially. It happens as we celebrate the gift of eternal life through the death and resurrection of Jesus. Real growth is living a life, daily sustained by the Holy Spirit, which gives us the assurance of eternal life.” luthed.org
Growth is reaching forward and seeing new possibilities. As we prepare for the final weeks of the 2020-2021 school year we celebrate the growth our students have accomplished throughout the year, and look forward to the many ways God will continue to nurture their development. It is our mission to provide a Christ-centered educational program ministering to the needs of the whole child. With the continued support and prayers of our Trinity community we will continue to successfully prepare children to grow in lives of service to God and man.