Each day, I am reminded by the faces of students and the words of teachers what a treasured and valuable mission we have here at Trinity Lutheran Church. We are truly blessed to be part of a church and school that continue to provide a Christian education for the children and families of our community.
David Copper, the Head of Front Range Christian School in Littleton, CO, reaffirms the importance of a Christian education in today’s sinful and broken world:
“The purpose of Christian education is not to hide our children from the world but to prepare them for it. Our classrooms are places of discovery where understanding the complexities of God’s creation is pursued. Places where the brokenness of the world is not ignored but engaged."
"If education is about 'preparing young people for life,' then Christian education is about preparing young people to live out a Christian life. It’s about equipping them for a battle that requires maturity—a battle not waged against flesh and blood but against powers and principalities. They must be prepared, and this preparation happens within the classrooms of a Christian school.
Christian education is not public education with the Bible overlaid upon it. It is equipping students to think Christianly—to be Christian scholars. It gives them a lens through which they can see the brokenness of the world. Through this lens, every subject is taught. It is this teaching that will enable students to engage the world with confidence, armed with the discernment needed to make choices rooted in Christian values. We must sharpen our students’ minds with more than knowledge; we must help them develop the mind of a Christian scholar—a mind so sharp and bright that it can no longer be ignored or marginalized in the discourse of ideas. A student so empowered will hold true to their faith as they walk the halls of higher education, which are steeped in humanism, and will emerge respected, influential, and victorious."
The average child spends between 15,000 to 20,000 hours in school during their journey from kindergarten to senior year. These hours of influence will be given to someone—someone intent on training and shaping your child. This is why Christian education is so critical. It means raising children to be Christian scholars who follow Christ with their whole heart. It means equipping them with the tools needed to evaluate their world through the lens of Christian values. It means building upon—not challenging or tearing down—the values and beliefs you hold in your own Christ-centered homes.
Why Christian Education?
Because those 15,000 hours of influence will be given to someone. Shouldn’t that someone be preparing your children to serve the same Lord you and your home serve? "We must integrate faith and learning so that our students will integrate faith and living."
As another school year comes to a close, I want to personally thank you for your consistent support of our valuable mission. May God continue to guide and bless our ministry at Trinity Lutheran Church and School.
