“Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age” Matt. 28:19–20
The Holy Spirit continues to be at work each day in the hearts and minds of our Trinity family. We are blessed with a community of servant hearts, whether it’s a volunteer, a teacher, a student, or a congregational member. We thank God for providing TLS with the people and the opportunities to make disciples. We rejoice in the parents who have said “yes” to a Christian education for their child. “Yes”, to giving their child a classroom where they will experience the fullness of joy in Jesus as they are challenged to grow academically. We rejoice in the teachers at Trinity who say “yes” each day to looking for new and creative ways to engage all learners. “Yes” to teaching in a school community in which the whole child’s growth is the focus. “Yes” to committing their days and talents to equip children for a future of service to God and man.
We rejoice in the students at Trinity who say “yes” to representing Christ in their words and actions. “Yes” to being challenged academically as they strive for excellence in knowledge and integrity. We rejoice in the volunteers, the bus drivers, the secretaries, and custodian who give of their time and talent to ensure our school’s success. “Yes” to the many many behind the scenes tasks that serve the Trinity family.
We rejoice in a congregation that says “yes” to providing a Lutheran day school for the families of Boone. “Yes” to supporting a ministry of reaching children and families with the good news of salvation found in our risen savior Jesus.
In the midst of a world that says “no” to serving God, Trinity Lutheran Church says “Yes”.
Being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus. Philippians 1:6
Trinity Lutheran School rejoices as we celebrate 150 years of Christ- centered excellence. I ask you to continue to pray for our school year that each child, teacher, and family be blessed with the loving presence of our Almighty God today and every day of the 2022-2023 school year!
