The month leading up to the celebration of Jesus’ birth is a GREAT time to be in Kindergarten! For Advent, we counted down with ornaments that matched the Bible story we read each day. We also did many nativity-themed arts, crafts, and activities.
The Christmas program was a great success! All the students, along with Mrs. Sprengeler, Mrs. Mann, and Mrs. Holbrook, put in a LOT of work to make it happen.
The kids are doing so well working independently, and we’re seeing amazing learning and growth!
In Literacy, we’ve been working hard on phonics. We’ve learned every letter’s sound! The kids have also mastered many sight words, and it’s so fun when they recognize them in print. Check out our journal entry about being a wise man, posted in the Kindergarten hallway! Our class book, which we wrote together, has arrived from the publisher, and the kids were thrilled to see their work in a professionally bound book!
In Math, we just completed a unit on numbers, including comparing (more, less, equal), adding one more, writing numerals and number words, and more. In STEM, we did an experiment to see what happens when you soak candy canes in different liquids.
Enjoy celebrating the birth of our Savior—Merry Christmas!