March is such an exciting and hopeful month! In our Lent devotions, we’ve been reviewing Jesus’ life and looking forward to His great work for us. Spring has officially arrived, and we’ve enjoyed some warm weather! We’ve had fun at recess and even enjoyed having PE outside.
In Art, we did a directed drawing of Dr. Seuss’ Cat in the Hat and painted wax paper to make window decorations. In STEM, we’ve focused on our new classroom robots. We’ve learned how to use them and completed challenges like making them drive in a continuous loop and up a ramp.
The first week of March, we celebrated Read Across America Week with dress-up days and special activities. During that week, parents and other special adults came into our class to read their favorite books to us—the children loved it! In Literacy, we continue to focus on sounding out words, improving reading speed and accuracy. It’s been so fun and amazing to see children who couldn’t sound out a single word just a few months ago now enjoying reading simple books! Their writing skills have also greatly improved. Check out our “Reading Bug” writing activity in the hallway!
In Math, we finished working on putting together and taking apart numbers through ten and are now ready to move on to addition and subtraction.
Forest Fridays are always a favorite! This month, we worked on spelling words by using sticks to write on the ground and practiced making and taking apart numbers with natural manipulatives. We read a book called Animal Architects and learned about the ways animals build homes. Then, Ranger Andy Bartlett took us on a hike to explore different animal homes.