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Kindergarten - November 2022

It's been another great month in Kindergarten! The Harvest Party on October 28 was a highlight, and our room moms did a great job putting it together. We enjoyed the costume parade, yummy snacks, and painting pumpkin plaques.

We are writing a book! The class voted to have it be about pets. The children have worked so hard on the writing and illustrating, and I’m incredibly proud of what they’ve produced. The book is titled “We Love Our Pets” and is being published by a company called Student Treasures.

In Literacy, we continue to work hard on phonics. We are close to finishing the alphabet and have been working on recognizing beginning sounds and sounding out cvc (consonant vowel consonant) words. The kids love singing and dancing to sight word songs and are always excited when they see a word we know in a book. We learned about nouns and continue to work on sentence writing. We finished Charlotte’s Web--the children loved it!

The main focus in Math this month has been numbers 0-10. We continue to work on counting by 1s, 5s, and 10s. We’ve done a lot of work on graphing, patterns, and using tally marks.

We’ve experimented with different types of painting in art this month, including painting with brushes, scrunched-up paper, and we even used forks to paint a turkey tail. The turkeys and some scarecrows are hanging in our hallway, so you can take a peek! Techie Tuesdays (STEM), we’ve explored building the life cycle of pumpkins and turkeys. The kids LOVE doing puzzles on Thinking Thursdays.

The children loved playing in the snow. Their joy was contagious. One of the classes that I took at the convention was about the importance of outdoor play, so I’m more committed to recess than ever, no matter the weather! As Alfred Wainwright said, “There's no such thing as bad weather, only unsuitable clothing.”

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