It’s been another great month in Kindergarten! We are writing a book! The class voted to have it be about toys. The children have worked so hard on both the writing and illustrating, and I’m incredibly proud of what they’ve produced. The book is titled Our Favorite Toys and is being published by a company called Student Treasures.
In Literacy, we continue to focus on phonics. We’re almost finished with the alphabet and have been practicing recognizing beginning sounds and sounding out CVC words. The kids love singing and dancing to sight word songs and get excited whenever they recognize a word we know in a book. We also finished reading Charlotte’s Web aloud—the children loved it!
In Math, our main focus this month has been on numbers 0-10. We continue working on counting by 1s, 5s, and 10s. We’ve done a lot of work writing numerals and number words, counting and recognizing numbers, identifying patterns, and using tally marks.
In STEM, we’ve explored the life cycles of pumpkins and turkeys and tackled a couple of engineering challenges.
Forest Fridays continue to be a highlight of our month! The weather was lovely this month, and the kids enjoyed playing in the leaves. A member of the Friends of the Ledges came to speak to us about their “100 Things to Love about Ledges” project for next year’s 100th anniversary. The children even illustrated pictures for the project! In November at Ledges, we built our names and practiced tally marks with sticks, learned about different types of clouds, and drew them.
