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Preschool - May

May is a month of excitement and anticipation of new adventure about tocome. Change is on the horizon…new friends, new teacher, new classroom, and new schedule. We managed to keep to our schedule most days and learn. Each child has grown physically, academically, emotionally, socially, and most importantly, spiritually. I am so thankful that our

parents chose Trinity for their child’s preschool experience!

On May 15, the afternoon class lead chapel using the Lutheran Service Book order of service on page 285-286. The children sung the following hymns: “The Lamb,” “Glory Be to Jesus,” and “This Joyful Eastertide.” The Bible selection of Acts 16 was enacted by the children. Paul and Silas who were imprisoned for preaching the Gospel sang and prayed

while in prison. After an earthquake and seeing that the prisoners had not escaped, the jailer asked how he might be saved. Paul said to believe in Jesus. The jailer and all of his family were baptized that very night.

May also was full of extra activity. The MWF and the M-F classes walked to the Ericson library for story time, a tour of the library, and checked out two books on teacher’s library card. From there, we walked to the Dutch Oven bakery for a free cookie (compliments of the bakery) and milk. They children showed good manners and had friendly conversation as we practice every day at school. The US Bank was our last stop as we had a quick tour, elevator ride and a walk down a spiral staircase. We had a beautiful day which was full of fun!

A trip to Mrs. Ullestad’s acreage was another highlight of the last week of school. We had fun playing Mr. Fox, Drop the Hanky, and T-ball. We saw neighbor Heckman’s horses and learned all about them. The Davis’ let us come to their acreage and see their sheep and 50 young lambs.

Mrs. Seeman and the 5th-7th graders organized the first annual preschool track meet. Although it had to be inside the parish hall due to the weather, the children had fun

rotating through the eight stations.

Each class ended with a family picnic at Franklin Park near Trinity. There were many hugs, tears and mixed emotions as we parted for the summer and our future years of school. Jesus promises to always be with us (Matt. 28:20). His mercies are new every morning (Lam. 3:23) O, give thanks unto the Lord, for He is good, and His mercy endures forever (Psalm 107:1).

The children worked hard on our graduation service music/lyrics. Parents, grandparents, aunts & uncles, siblings and friends came to hear the Word of God from Pastor Watkins, pray together, hear the Word through hymns sung by their precious cherub and see he/she receive their “preschool diploma.” The church was filled for this service on Wednesday night, May 22nd.

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