In third grade we have 6 new students, which has been really exciting! The first month of school flew by and we have learned a lot and had so much fun! Our first week of school was filled with lots of games and getting to know each other activities, as well as learning how to use our Chromebook and procedures for how the classroom works.
We have already finished three stories as a class for reading and our favorite so far was Mulan. We got to watch the Disney movie and do a Venn Diagram to compare and contrast the story from our book and the story in the movie. We have three different spelling groups and all of them are learning how to spell new words. We get to start learning cursive as a class very soon and we are all so excited to learn about it!
In Religion, we are learning the books of the Bible, so we can use our bibles that the church gave us, to look up verses and to read the good news of Jesus as well as learn about other things that God has done for us or given us.
In math, we have learned about estimating, ordering, comparing, and rounding numbers, and now we are working on telling time. This is one of the most difficult units because clocks are sort of confusing, especially if all you ever see is a digital clock. Our class is so excited to start learning multiplication and division, but that won't start until around November or December.
In science, we just finished up learning about plants and their life cycles and now we are learning about animals and their life cycles. We will be doing a paper slide project for animal life cycles, so be on the lookout for those on the Trinity Facebook page in the coming weeks.
In Social Studies, we are learning about different communities in the U.S. and are also looking at our own community in Boone and what makes it unique.
Every day, we look forward to another opportunity to apply what we have learned in our daily lives and to serve God through our actions and prayers. We are so blessed to be at Trinity.
