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From the Principal's Desk - November

“I will bless you and make your name great, so that you will be a blessing” (Gen 12:2)

We hear it often: “Count your blessings!” God’s blessings are freely given for the benefit of His people, these blessings are evident each day at Trinity Lutheran School. Counting blessings and praying regularly is something our students are learning and doing on a daily basis. We pray aloud within our classrooms, we pray with individuals and groups for their needs. It is our privilege to share joys, sorrows and concerns with the One who gave His very life to forgive and save us, the One who can work all things for His glory and our good! Jesus!

Teaching our children to pray in all circumstances and for others is one of the great privileges of Christian education. As we pray together, we are reminded that God listens to our prayers and promises to answer them.

“Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you” (1 Thess. 5:16–18)

Sharing God’s blessings of love, grace and forgiveness is the greatest thanks we can give back to Him. We are blessed to be a blessing! Please pray for our school year that each child, teacher, and family be blessed with the loving presence of our Almighty God today and every day.

Thankful for laughter spilling out of classrooms.

Praise God for teachers that make learning fun.

Thankful for athletes that play hard and play fair.

Praise God for a program that instills sportsmanship.

Thankful for curious student minds.

Praise God for learning that triggers further exploration.

Thankful for artistic ability that showcases our imaginations.

Praise God for a creative mind.

Thankful for acts of kindness in and out of the classroom.

Praise God for embedding a servant attitude in our hearts.

Thankful for a place students feel safe to be themselves.

Praise God for a family atmosphere that is loving and forgiving.

Thankful for teachers that encourage excellence.

Praise God for our dedicated and caring staff.

Thankful for our Trinity Lutheran School.

Praise God for a congregation that supports Christian education.

Thankful for our many volunteers.

Praise God for those who faithfully give of their time and talents!

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