October 31, 1517, marks a day in the history of the church that teaches us of the truth of the gospel, the truth that through Jesus we are set free.
John 8:31–36 “If you abide in my word, you are truly my disciples, and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”
The following words are taken from a devotion written by Rev. Bob Riggert. May these words serve as a reminder to all of us of the freedom we have in Jesus.
From his own conscience, Martin Luther heard, “You have to be a better person,” and “You have to do more so that God will love you more.” Martin found out that he could never do enough to please others and especially God. We are in the same situation. We are born sinners. Every day we sin with our thoughts, words and deeds. We can never do enough to pay for our sins. God led Martin to God’s Word and God’s truth.
The truth is that Jesus came as our Savior. The truth is that Jesus freely chose to obey God’s will and to suffer our punishment. The truth is that Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross paid for all of our sins. The truth is that we are free from our sins and the punishment for our sins by believing in Jesus’ sacrifice for us. The truth is that we will be free from death and the grave. Through Jesus, the Son of God, we are free indeed. We are now free to serve.
As we observe the Reformation, we give thanks for Martin Luther and others who were God’s servants at an important time in the history of the world and the history of the church. Even though Martin Luther faced threats and persecution as he shared the truth, he was joyfully free to do God’s will. We are free to worship. We are free to go to a Lutheran school. We are free to bring our offerings to support our church and missions. We are free to obey those in authority. We are free to live as God’s children and to serve Him and one another. We are free to share the Good News of our salvation. Together we are free to celebrate the blessings of the Reformation.
1 Corinthians 15:57 “Thanks be to God who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.”
We are victorious through Jesus, and that victory is ours together. May we continue to work together as the Trinity Lutheran School family to provide the children in our care with a safe learning environment where they can excel and grow.
We ask you to keep the families, teachers and students of TLS in your prayers throughout the school year.
