Kindergarteners have had a busy month! The children continue to work hard and grow every day. We had our first field trip to Deal’s Orchard in Jefferson. We toured the orchard, and apple sorting and processing plant, had a picnic, played in the apple acres, and each child got to pick apples and their own pumpkin.
In Religion, we have been learning about Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. We’ve done lots of games, crafts, and games to back up our learning. The kids are great at remembering these stories!
Calendar continues to be a big part of our morning routine. The children are working on counting how many days we have been in school by ones and tens and learning to spell months and days of the week. We recognize and continue patterns, chart weather, and practice our handwriting in personal calendar notebooks.
In Literacy, we are working hard on learning letter sounds. We have learned about rhyming, labeling. We’re practicing writing our first names correctly and working hard on improving our handwriting. We started reading our first chapter book, Charlotte’s Web, and are enjoying it a lot!
For Math this month we have studied eight 2D shapes: square, rectangle, circle, oval, trapezoid, hexagon, rhombus, and triangle. We learned a poem about each one, practiced drawing them and spelling their name, and counted their sides and corners. Each child made their own shape book. We’ve also learned positional words such as next to, above, below, etc. To practice left and right we sang Father Abraham and the Hokey Pokey!
Every day of the week we have a different learning activity. On Make It Monday we do art. We used tempera paint to make an owl and watercolor to make a rainbow fish and we also glued on sequins. Techie Tuesdays are STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math) activities. We have learned about life cycles, both apples, and pumpkins. We’ve also started measuring and estimating. On Walking Wednesdays, we take a walk around the neighborhood to enjoy God’s creation. We work on our walking in line skills, and on observing the world around us. The kids really enjoy Thinking Thursdays when we do puzzles or play memory/thinking games. Fridays we work on Fine Motor skills such as scissor skills and handwriting. Every Friday we also have a buddy from 3rd or 4th grade read to us.
